Date | Details |
2024/10/13 | Sale of environmentally friendly school uniforms |
2024/10/26 | Parent-Child science exploration activity |
2024/11/16 | The 21st-22nd PTA Ceremony |
2024/11/23 | "Travelling Around the World"Open Day |
2024/12/14 | Snowy Christmas Activity |
2025/01/25 | Chinese New Year Activity |
2025/02/08 | Community Care Visiting Service |
2025/03/08 | PTA trip |
2025/03/22 | LYM Church Meeting |
2025/04/26 | Parent-Child Fitness Day |
2025/06/21 | The 23rd Graduation Dinner |
Every Thursday | Parents can borrow parent books and teaching aids with their PTA card |