

    Application Methods:

    1. Online Application

    2. Download the application form

    3. Obtain forms from school in person

    Number of classes and tuition fees

    The kindergarten has obtained the qualification of the Free Quality Kindergarten Program. The half-day monthly tuition fee for parents of the “Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” is $0. The tuition fees for 2023-2024 are as follows:

    System Class Fees
    K3 - 3 classes
    K2 - 2 classes
    K1 - 2 classes
    Total school fee for a school year is $ 12170 (10 months), $1217 per month
    Total meal fee for a school year is $4670 (10 months), $467 per month.
    K3 - 3 classes
    K2 - 3 classes
    K1 - 2 classes
    Total school fee for a schhol year is $0 (10 months), $0 per month.


    Arrangement on admission to Lei Yue Mun Methodist Kindergarten (K1) in the 2024/2025

    報名方法 Application Methods:

    1. 網上報名,請here.

    Online Application here

    1. 於本園網頁下載報名表,請here.

    Download the application form here

    1. 親臨本園索取申請表

    Obtain forms from school in person

    索取申請表時間:星期一至星期五 (上午9:00-11:00 及 下午13:00-16:00),星期六 (上午9:00-11:00)

    Time:Monday to Friday (09:00-11:00, 13:00-16:00), Saturday (09:00-11:00)

    學校註冊編號:548278 Lei Yue Mun Methodist Kindergarten Lei Yue Mun Methodist Kindergarten